Ten Plagues Craft Printable
Ten Plagues Craft Printable
Ten Plagues Craft Printable
I'm giving away this printable to help make telling the Exodus story at Passover a little more fun! The kids can put together the craft and use the pictures as props to tell or act out the story or keep their little hands busy while you retell the famous redemption story.
You'll get a pdf file that has seven pages. You'll get the images in color, and a black and white set if you want the kids to color themselves, maybe even during the seder to keep busy.
There are so many fun ways to use this printable. Glue them to craft sticks and then use them as props. Make them into a game of putting them in order, or matching, or anything you can imagine.
For more about this craft, click here.
Click here to learn about how I celebrate Passover with Jesus at the center!
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